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How to get an ending with arachne?

Step one you need to get to phase 2 by getting your lust build up high enough (doing sexual things that reset lust to zero means your lust builds up more)

you can sleep with anyone for that event, but spider girl makes the most sense

Then you need to get love up to 20 for her and do the egg laying event at least once

then her ending shows up in the menu

does that help?

(1 edit)

I was somehow able to play for the Luna, that's just the Luna in some (many) the card is signed as 0. That's just I was able to log in for it?

Huh I must of messed up the name variable, I'll look into it.

(1 edit)

How to play for one of them?

Yes, there are a few instances where you've used


instead of


I was sure I got all those. three of them. they should be fixed?

Oh, that was fast!

While you're here, there are some other code typos I noticed:

One case of "@Bee" instead of "$Bee"

A few instances of "$Mermaids" instead of "$Mermaid's"

A spot where you have an unclosed set of parentheses

(set: $lust_gain to it + 15

And on the prompt for the real ending, you have a random "ji" at the end of the line.

thanks! I fixed most of those, but saddly CTRL-F can't find a missing thing. where is the unclosed parentheses. also do you have a discord. it would be more convent and also I would like your help testing my text story.

(also good job finding the other ending. people keep not finding it)

It's in the "Mermaid bee double blowjob" passage.

Sorry, no discords for me... I didn't realize this website didn't have its own messaging system until now.

yeah it doesn't becuse it was use for spam. I guess we could.. use.. email?

also fixed thanks

Can you go into some details for where it happened I can't get it to happen

Deleted 351 days ago