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The Fearless Cross

For many weeks, Pope Havoc had been gone... searching deep in the jungles of Mau Chapupi for signs of the Fearless Cross.

Finally, he uncovered some markings on the wall of the Temple...

He knew where he must go.


Once he arrived at the Oasis of Tanuba, dressed in his desert clothing, he met with King Slovan of the Arab Council.

He showed Pope Havoc the Sword of Xcalibur (lol) and Havoc had an Idea of where the artifact lie, for this was not only a remnant of an ancient battle, but a landmark for a hidden entrance!

He scoured across nearby dunes and the Oasis, but alas, he saw nothing...

UNTIL! He found a sinkhole near a close dune and gazed upon it. Then, (as clumsy as he was) he fell down and landed right on his bum... Not the most spectacular entrance at all.

He then wandered around the cave system, and saw a funny little room with white walls and a giant... cactus? With fruit?

He entered the room and looked around the cactus and...

Could he believe it?! It was the Fearless Cross! He picked it up and remembered what the Good Pope had told him before he embarked on his journey..

"Remember, Pope Havoc. The Fearless Cross contains much power, and can lead to corruption if not handled with care!"

He looked down at the cross and it started to glow! In a bright, flashing light, the cross had released an explosion so big and so loud, the entire cave system collapsed on itself, leaving  nothing in its wake...

He woke up from his slumber, he was covered with sand and black powder.

He quickly got up and onto his feet, and looked around slowly...

"Holy Crap!", exclaimed Pope Havoc, "Is this heaven?!"

He had a good look around and realized these were ruins of an old Griddy Temple.

"Hmm, strange", murmured the Pope.

All of a sudden, a voice spoke to him. In a deep and kind tone, the voice said to him,

"Pope Havoc, you have traveled near and far to search for the Fearless Cross of Snick. Why?"

Pope Havoc had heard this voice before in his dreams, this was the Griddy God!

"To defeat the Evil Pope and bring justice to people Griddy, and non-Griddy.", replied Havoc

The Griddy God let out a soft chuckle, and said,

"That is correct... The exact reason you stand here today is because you must save Griddism and the people from this Evil Pope.."

Pope Havoc nodded and felt a huge weight upon his shoulders.

"Well, Havoc, you know what you must do!", bellowed the Griddy God, "I shall grant you powers and remove the Evil Pope's immortality"

Pope Havoc simply gulped and waited.

The Griddy God descended from the Heavens and looked Pope Havoc in the eye. He then started to chant a phrase repeatedly, over and over again.

The sky fell dark, the clouds turned black, and lightning could be seen all around.

With each phrase, Havoc could feel himself change, like straight power was channeled through him and turned into physical change.

Soon, the Griddy God stopped chanting, and the sky fell silent once more.

Havoc, had become the Supreme Pope of Griddism..

"Now, go forth, my son!", bellowed the Griddy God, "And banish that fool to the Gridlands!"

And, before he knew it, Havoc was hurdled to the bottom of the mountain of which the Temple stood.

He knew what he must do...

Oh... :) U will get ur answer soon.. griddies..