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Okay! I just finished the game a few seconds ago, and whoo boy! That was fantastic!

That perfectly timed cliffhanger, the badassery of joining an actual Galactic Resistance. Oh, and if it wasn't S-tier enough, you made the MC a goddamn Uchiha! Mah boy's got Gun Blazing Jutsu (Jū no happō gijutsu)! This is the best version of the Sharingan since Kakashi got both of Obito's eyes during the Kaguya Arc!!!!!

My Naruto referencing aside, I absolutely love this bloody game. The character progression with each girl that doesn't just influence my affection with them but also their choices in the future, and the fact that the MC is STILL rocking that Bloodborne outfit like a bloody champ! Did you think of Gherman when you were designing the MC? You were, weren't you, you wonderful bastard?!

Anyways, aside from me redoing the entire game over again just to get the Sex Scene with Emily (who I strongly believe is 3rd on the ranking for best girl in this version), finding out the Lore and delving into each death scene has just been a fun, hilarious and simply riotous endeavor which I have enjoyed almost too thoroughly.

That reminds me, during the Pollox exploration, was matching the color co-ordinated lights an Among Us reference?

Besides that, finding out that Glitch was actually a girl wasn't really a shocker for me (those hips definitely weren't masculine) but it was really awesome story-wise. And the way the Ravin' Raiders just looked at each in complete silence for that moment was just beautiful.

I really do hope Ashe will be okay, though. And hopefully SAndrA won't kill everyone after she get out of the med bay!

But. Those are just my three cents and some lint.

Thank you again for the awesome story, and REMEMBER: Take your sweet time to publish the next update. I don't want you to end up like most of Studio MAPPA's staff suffering from burnout and sleep deprivation just because you were gung-ho about keeping the creative juices flowing.

Take a nap, eat some good food, maybe see the family down south next weekend, I don't know. The point is, you've smashed the ROOF off this building. You deserve a break and these words of appreciation.

Now, thanks for reading my sad excuse for a review (well, second review). God bless you and have a splendid day!

Or night, I'm not too sure what timezone you're in- hehehe

Couldn't agree more!