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A couple of bugs I've personally encountered:
- Sometimes upon booting up, the posts on the bullatin board have no visible text, particularly when posting gossip about the other villagers. The list shows no names but they can still be selected. 
- Villagers with full inventories become "Stuck" if there's nowhere to deposit their supplies.They accept gifts of food but don't eat them and complain they're hungry, while refusing to move or do anything. 

That aside, I completely adore this game so far! I love the concept and I'd love to see where it goes. The AI's are charming (though I feel like them being able to force you out of build mode to talk to you shouldn't be allowed/they should be made to wait) and the art style is adorable!

A little polish and some variety to the hunting mechanic/maybe the threats/sights the villagers mentioning being realized and I think this game can really be something!