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Thanks for your feedback and for taking the time to write this!

Agreed on clicks triggering movement, some safeties need to be implemented to not move when you click on UI elements such as cards or summon button.

Upgrades art is placeholder for now, so it'll get swapped out!

For the Steam Deck, for some reason the game only runs in Proton Experimental compatibility mode for me. Then once it's ran, so far I've found that the mouse + keyboard config + rebinding bumpers to Q and E (for camera rotation) worked the best. We have partial controller support but it's subpar for now so I'd advise against using it. Weirs that the triggers for clicking isn't working for you, what's happening ? On my side with the default keyboard + mouse configuration it immediately works (and triggers work for mouse clicks).

The game is still poorly optimized so it does make fans blow hard, also the pixelation shader is accounting for the resolution which makes the environment too pixelated at low resolutions (such as the SD's res). This will all get fixed soon, same as the cards resolution!