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Thank you but really you aren't being harsh at all :) I really appreciate you would give the game another look!

Could I ask you to take a look at this update off stream? the controls should feel better, it should not be possible to collide through the floor / walls / most objects. Also, the volume sliders in the pause menu should now work (again) without any one sound too loud (minus the loud elevator warning)

The story behind all this was actually kinda interesting, so ill share for context. This is also why I asked you to check it again. One of my streamer friends just recently tried the game, and it was BAD! Long story short, very similar issues. His issue was a very good computer.

There was no max framerate limiter, and the player character moves faster than the physics worked and the level loaded! He was hitting the walls and objects. Kinda bouncing off of them. So, had to stop like, after a few minutes due to all this. But him and I, we went over everything and its all fixed (not just my opinion) This update also reimplements 2 different enemies.

I know it doesn't fix everything, But, this should help! Id check out the stream if youd like to send me a link and time :D

BTW, this update is also on here, Itchio. But the best place to get the most recent (for sure) would be Steam.

Thank you again!


owhh that makes a lot more sense. Aite I'll download your updated version on Steam. I'll be sure to respond here once I've tried it. Thanks for keeping me updated and sorry for the delay on my end, I've been quite busy.