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Hunting animals for food isn't a bad thing, but that doesn't mean you go killing the entire forest.  Sex may not be a bad thing, but that doesn't mean you go giving it away to literally anyone that wants it.  Aura's mission is to prove that people are not driven solely by selfish hedonistic desires.  She fights these demons to prove that the people would be better off without them.   The world of Roya just sees Aura as a hot blonde piece of ass, and Aura is trying to help the people look at her for what she really is.  This is why I say Aura needs to work on her communication skills, she needs to work on teaching the people just how destructive these demons are.  She needs to do a better job of explaining the consequences of having the people give into their selfish desires.

The corruption path is about Aura backsliding and giving into what the people of Roya want, and in so doing lose her ability to teach the people a better way to look at virtue.  In real life this manifests in Laura becoming more materialistic and looks-centric, giving into what baser people want her to be.  I feel like the corruption path should actually be more punishing than it is, because if she gives in, she won't see the point of fighting anymore.  There should be some attempt at an intervention by her friends if she becomes too corrupted, both in the real world and in the world of Roya.