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For me as of now hands down best game, everything from menu, game modes and game play is polished.

The addition of daily grind keeps me busy every day, looking forward for another one, and I like the return mode too. Are there other unlockables hidden?

Thanks so much :) I’m really glad you enjoyed it! There’s no other game modes or anything like that but there is a little easter egg hidden in there. Look at the bottom of the credits to find it!

Neat! I remember that one from the dev forum :)

Will there be a level editor too?

if there’s enough interest I’ll polish it up a bit but if you really want to you can give it a try now with: up, down, left, right, up, down, left, right, a, b It’s a little janky in places but it does the job.

wow! and there is still room for another menu item! :D it reboots the playdate on the recent firmware. But I think there are platny levels to play from, and man the daily grind! keeps me returning every morning