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Really solidly made runner game! The nice tight gameplay loop really helps with all the dying you'll inevitably do. The timing of the jumps in those later sections is absolutely brutal though. How did you ever playtest this!? XD

I couldn't make it to the end without having a mental breakdown, but I did manage to get 15 scrolls!

(edit: as a side note I played at 120hz so maybe something is framerate dependent... Or I'm just a terrible gamer.)

Thanks! Credit for the quick respawning has to go to Celeste. Unsure about the framerate dependency thing. Does accounting for delta in your physics calculations solve that issue?


Yep! That's what the delta value is for. Anything that shouldn't be framerate dependent  -- i.e. anything not purely graphical -- should be multiplied by the delta value. It's entirely possible the problem is just me though so don't sweat it too much!


I double checked and provided move_and_slide() functions how I think it does, the only calculation that seems frame dependent is how long you stumble after hitting an obstacle. Gravity and horizontal acceleration are calculated w delta and coyote time is on a .1s timer. 

I think some of the issues people are having are due to the goofy ass way I coded in the jump and fast fall mechanics lol. If you're interested, here's some more detail: For the short hop, releasing the jump button before the apex of the jump will cut your y velocity in half. For the fast fall, it will immediately set your y velocity to twice the maximum fall velocity regardless of whether you're jumping or falling when the button is pressed. My intent was to give the player the feeling that they had complete control over the character's vertical movement, so it may need a bit more workshopping :P


The mechanics felt just fine to me, it was just a combination of everything happening so very fast and the platforms being so small and randomly spaced that made it seem impossible to me, but clearly I just need to git gud. XD