Alright,i‘m convinced.
I‘ll write a fanfic of what’ll happen next and no one can stop me! >:3
HEHEHE where thou writith? :> askith for thou friend
The work of mine is currently being created on here,my dear friend;thoust‘ll haveeth to be patient
- thine creative friend,Mia
ofcourse <3
BTW did you read the after story for the wedding ending i wrote;cuz i had to take it down for being NSFW. I wrote it while being half asleep and posted it at 4 AM
lol no I wasn't able too! but that's okay<3
lol It’s ok,but trust me;that was one spicy fanfic 😅
hehe I'm sure it was! ^^ maybe you could add it as a side story on your wattpad/AO3