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As a long time fan of the '101 games (especially wizard), I absolutely loved this! I didn't quite watch the trailer all the way through before playing, so I was expecting a short & simple little walk along experience. What I got was so much better than expected. I absolutely loved how the game starts of in a warm & inviting environment, and slowly, slowwwly you learn, like those who've written the notes, that something is not quite right in this place. The ending was so simple, yet so wildly satisfying. It played so well with the function/lore established in the original games and I loved seeing those being played with in a more 'adult' way. If I were to leave some critique, I thought the prose of the notes could at times be a little clunky. I found myself having to re-read them a bit to understand what was being said to me, but that's a small thing really, just something I thought I'd note! Otherwise, I just loved this. Amazing job and I hope to play more mini fan games like this in the future!