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I don't want to say that it's me again, but ... it's me again >u<" (edit future-me: It was supposed to be just a little hymn of praise for DG, but that escalated a liiiiittle bit now, didn't it? ^^" I'm so, so, so  sorry, no one really needs to read this! But I had to put my L O V E  into words somehow, otherwise I would have imploded! And yeah, obviously spoilers ahead!)

After I've gathered enough strength  (xD), I really wanted to see if I get the third route >u< I finally want to adore him "directly", not just via artwork or lore entries ;3; (How can you be so obsessed with a character already, when you actually haven't had any direct "contact" with him yet? ^^") 

Unfortunately, I always miss so much in the beginning of all games. I don't know if it's my silly enthusiasm or I'm just too dumb to really notice details. But I'll probably pick up on a few things I left unmentioned last time! >u< Because it strikes me that I can identify with MC much better than I first thought! Just looking at how every single letter fades in with the word "L a t e r". Hello procrastination, my old friend!

... Wait. The poster in the background. That guy... I'm going into acute shock right now Q_Q" Help.... He scared me so... so much ... Strade, right? >____<" *shudder* Actually, they all scared me, but that one in particular - Waaaaait. I see parallels with a certain gentleman that I don't wanna see. xD

Oh... Oh, the plant! OOOOH! I was just wondering, well, since Damon does work at a flower shop...does he notice it? QuQ Oh~ I just had this thought that he's cleaning up the remains of the plant that's still lying around when he makes his, uh, surprise visit. xD So as a subtle hint to MC that there was something happening in the night. If he's going to stalk, he might as well help out with the chores!

Did I mention how happy it makes me that the game is set in summer? Best time of year. ♥

Aaaaaand Rasmus is still great ;3; Although his behavior is extremely toxic. If MC is depressed, he's definitely partly to blame if he's been treating her like this for 2 years. Tsundere, get over yourself! >A<

That's when I notice when the cute black stuttering mess shows up and addresses MC by name ...  She wonders where he picked up the name ... Rasmus is wearing a name tag, isn't she, too? 

God, I notice now that the speed at which his sentence fades in is different! Oh my god I've never seen anyone do that in a game before! That's great. It works great in your head because you get exactly his struggle! He's just still delightfully cute. I'm looking forward to his design. He just has to be cute. Although I don't really care what he looks like, his behavior is just what makes me instantly crazy for him!


♥♥♥♥♥♥ DRUM ROLL HE'S FINALLY HERE!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Oh my god XD He is such a wonderful douchebag. As completely clueless as I am, I thought he was playing a sweet, harmless cutie in "normal" life (so as not to be noticed) but he's also, by the looks of it, a gremlin when he's doing his legal work! 

That move with the gun was so nasty. And now I have the urge to hear his evil cackle xD

Why does he have to look so cute in 'neutral state' ;3; Those eyes~

Hey, if he showed up at my work talking stuff like that - I'd fall over in a faint. The guy does it so skillfully, he probably succeeds quite often when he really puts his mind to it, huh? ^^"

I was also so irritated at first, regarding his name. XD I feel so with MC here! But this is so ... Crazy and kinda cool. (I really hope no one has blamed this name choice as 'boring' yet, because you guys prove often enough how creative you are there otherwise!) This is really anything but generic! Should I actually mention that I spent a not insignificant amount of time before playing the demo trying to figure out what his name actually was, until I understood that this  was indeed his 'name'? XD Yeah, I'm a bit stupid and slow :3"

HMMMM......  Well... His eyes. Yeah, I think it's because of his eyes. It's ALWAYS the eyes that drive me completely crazy for this kind of man ;_; ALWAYS. And when they do cool shit with their pupils as soon as their mood changes - OH.MY.GOD. Goosebumps~

To be honest, I'm actually very happy that he doesn't completely act harmless, but is still an ass, albeit a very charming one. You still wouldn't believe that he is, uh, just the way he is. And I can't say when he's telling the truth and when he's not. I'm wondering whether he really has delivered a damn head or if it was just a morbid joke. I wouldn't put it past him to do either. (After, as I read, he also offers his services via Dark Web...)

I think I'm glad I didn't start with his route right away.... I had to deal with the general enthusiasm for this game world in the first place, so I couldn't have put up with him from the start, too. <___<" Cardiac arrest. I just keep needing a few minutes in between to calm down too.... ^^"

Hey, hey, that look when he thinks he could use an assistant, I .... Help

Sorry, Damon, your friend is just way too nasty for me not to find that immediately attractive ... ♥

Oh my god ;__; I KNOW he's NOT cute, he's ANYTHING BUT that, but why is he still somehow? T_T" I feel VERY conflicted

"I feel so dumb" - me too, MC, me too.

W-W-W-W-WHAT DAMON? I wasn't expecting to see him here either - This is putting me in emotional distress right now. (Let me just say that a self-assembled AI Damon and I had a very enlightening conversation today. (No, no, a CUTE one! >u<) I've become a dog person after all, I guess. *shrug*)

- Wait.... Uh... Oh, yes. There was a ... Poly route, right? *cough*

Hm. My English is far from great, but ... Damon does speak a bit formal sometimes, doesn't he? That would be so charming!

OKAY I don't want to be the person who turned Damon down. Especially not after he said the DG. Nope.

OMFG DG's EYES ... meep...

When he didn't feel like teasing at all after that and DEMANDED the keys, I felt a little uneasy.  He briefly let us know what to expect. I think I'm going to be pretty scared of him quite often. It's going to be extremely uncomfortable and I have a bit of a nagging feeling about it.

And I like that already now this side of him shines through. Only in a single sentence, but that's exactly what gives it such a great impact. Especially because he puts his mask back on then, smiling and speaking casually. It's a little alarming and also eye-opening, because actually he's terrible and you ABSOLUTELY shouldn't get involved with someone like him. ... Well ♥ Good thing I've never had any common sense.

T__T Why is Damon so damn cute? T__T I did him sooo wrong. It's just incredibly adorable the way his ears twitch ;___; AND TURN RED?!!! I didn't even notice that last time, AAAH♥ Someone's got a real bad crush, huh? (I don't mean Damon, though...)

QuQ" I want to emphasize again how beautifully I think it's shown how he falls in love with our MC. It doesn't seem awkward and contrived. It's incredibly charming and cute and understandable. It's explained why he falls in love and not skipped over and immediately seen as a given fact. There was no potential wasted, but fully believable exploited. And MC makes such an effort because she is nice, which is also put into words here. She doesn't just want to be nice because she wants to earn money. I think it's nice that this was shown. She's so ... bubbly, yet lonely... ;___;"

Hm.... he doesn't sweat much? Good, that makes sense... If he is similar to a wolf, I mean. Well, doesn't only refer to wolves, but also to, for example, felines, but it kinda explains that the heat doesn't bother him that much, when I imagine what kind of thick fur they have to run around with! xD And presumably it's also a kind of, hmm, shield to ward off stupid looks from others? ó__o 

Great, now I want to hear him laugh as well.... And totally giggle stupid myself. Thanks for the Poly route. I'd be in desperate straits otherwise ^^"

AAAWWW how he notices that MC is sort of concerned because of DG. Kind of reassures myself right now that Damon is there saying that. Really takes some tension out of it for me right now. Who knows what his buddy back there might prepare for MC...! I'm just going to trust Damon right now.

And that warning he gives, I still find that so sweet... okay, okay.... Current score: DG 60 ; Damon 40 ! But it's slipping more and more into absolute balance the more I deal with Damon.


OOOH How I wish I had more examples of this because my fanfic writer heart is going nuts with him here right now! >//u//< ♥~

So he likes when we are afraid. Interesting, interesting... I just don't like the way he looks when he says that.... (Actually, I do.) 

But better to amuse him than annoy him, right? Somehow I think you have a better chance of survival if you seem interesting to him and don't bore him. As long as a cat still enjoys playing with a mouse, it won't bite it to death, will it? (I dare to doubt if the mouse enjoys that though) I also think being too submissive too soon could end badly if he isn't attached to MC yet? So begging causes the opposite and he doesn't spare MC but goes full sadism...? Just a first guess. 

It just made me think about a lot that "kind" and "caring" were also listed in his character description. (And at the point 'Personality' on the toyhouse page was great that always in alternation a "good" and a "bad" quality is listed. That somehow made him seem even more like he's unpredictable and switches between his moods pretty quickly. I believe one wrong word is enough to get a knife between the ribs).

Anyway, I think it's nice that there's also good in him, but I wonder how long it takes him to show you that.... And then there's the question of how much he is willing to give you. How much are we talking about here? Is a kind word or a gentle hug already a lot? (I swear I'll drop dead on the spot if he calls us 'kitten' in canon. My not-so-secret weak spot, ah!...)

Would he also be willing to be a little more affectionate then, or is that so awkward for him that he doesn't even make that happen when he likes someone? Anyway, somehow this gives a little promise to crack him in his route after all....? I've been reading so much background in the last few days that I'm almost getting a little confused, so sorry if I'm mixing things up! The addictive potential is just too much for me to mentally remove myself for five minutes .... 

But what did I read, I think??? That he can't really believe at all if MC actually likes him and he would first try to scare her away???? (My urge to scream I CAN FIX HIM is high right now xD) And, and, and ... then the point that he can also be sad just won't let me go. (Plus wonderful artwork to go with it...) There is something slumbering there.

My head is really running at full speed. I find it so incredibly interesting and well executed that even day 1 has me craving the following days. I can't wait to see more facets of him! ♥


OH... oh my goodness. How he slowly approaches in the hallway scene and what he says .... I feel soooo called out ... Anyway, this whole scene is so brilliantly written that I honestly jumped up in my chair a little bit, which I didn't notice until after. ^^ It may seem funny NOW, but I can see MC having less fun the next time she's alone with him in a dark place. And he probably won't let her push him away a second time so amused....

"even if you're a weirdo" AHAHA XD Did he hear her say that???? I think it entertains him that she's so 'cheeky' and clueless, huh?

And I can understand the effect he has on MC, definitely! 

Ok, ok. This is going to be the Poly route, right? Then I hope Damon acts as a bit of a lightning rod and we don't run the risk of DG reducing us by a few body parts. That brings up the next question.... If we are sweet to Damon and he asks DG not to hurt us .... Is that ultimate protection? Or even then do we still have a good chance of experiencing painful things? 

I know I shouldn't trust the puppy sooo~ much either, but at least he's super sweet and gentle as long as we are too and don't disrespect him. Right...RIGHT...? Anyway, I played Boyfriend to Death today ...And it was too much for me in many ways. That's why I'm afraid I MAY get a little triggered with the DG-only route. (But since I'm a simp, I can block some things out and talk myself into it, haha) Maybe I'll just take the cute puppy for now and just admire his friend from afar, drooling ♥ XD (I wonder if there will be a chance to die prematurely? Oh god, I always run straight into the knife with decisions like this. I'm always the one who dies first when there are different ways to do so in games Q_Q)

Oh. I just realized... In MC's dream, when ... Damon does what he does. So she mentions smelling flowers! (I bet roses) And that she feels like a warm breeze is running through her hair.... GIRL THAT'S NOT WIND, THAT'S - 

I guess the dream and reality are mixing right now? This ... This is so good! I friggin LOVE your details! Teach me T_T

Wait... I didn't realize this the first time through either, but he says WHAT? "I'll use it with 'utmost pleasure tonight'???? Sorry, but is that how I'm taking it right now? :D" I liked this scene the first time, but it's even better than I thought...

My summary: DG is even much, much better than I imagined him QuQ♥ And your game triggers so many thoughts in me as it doesn't do that often! I could fill a whole catalog of questions here for myself, and I'm looking forward to finding answers little by little and getting to know the characters a little better! <3

Oh and what I also wanted to say is that it's so nice that these characters aren't ~18 years old, like often enough in other franchises....  We ladies 30+ also want to be able to adore someone without feeling bad about it >_<"

Now I'll leave you guys alone with my fangirl fits. At least until the next update ^^" Please don't think I'm crazy..!  I am, but... also very dedicated to things I like  u//u