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(1 edit)

I'm holding back on updating the game constantly until it gets a large update, don't get me wrong I love the fact we are getting patches to make the experience even better for players. Haven't been checking the updates posted on this site frequently enough to know much so I'll just ask here. Can I go to the next location after beating the labyrinth of the hellhound girls or is that still in development? Currently beat everything that is available (at least in my outdated version lmao.) and have been grinding out levels to upgrade the MC but that gets boring after a bit so I'm waiting for the next story drop before picking up the game again, if that makes any sense lol.

I mean there is some content now after the hellhound tower, it's not grand but it's something. Try it out for yourself

fair enough. At the end of the day, new content is still new content. I'll give it a look.