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Thanks for playing and for the nice compliments :) 

There are a few changes to the camera in the main game. The idea is that placing the camera down gives you a curated view of what you need to be looking at - but I can see if I can make it more intuitive!

As for controls, there should be tutorials that pop up at certain times (starting the game, picking up the camera for the first time, hovering over an item for the first time and opening inventory) - they are also available in the options menu. Potentially though you had a bugged build that didn't show these tutorials - woops!


The bug explains it! Your game seemed super polished and well thought out so it makes sense that you had tutorials. 

Also, I did think it was interesting that the view of the character remained at the camera (when it was on a table, etc). Which I imagine has some explanation later. 

Overall, the game is fantastic.  Keep up the excellent work!


It stems from my idea of the point of view of the game is actually from the camera, not so much the character :) 

This will play a big part of the game in the full release!