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(1 edit)

As a "the c64 mini/maxi" owner you might ask yourself:

Why should I get it if i allready have it? 


Because it is a totally different and much, MUCH better experience! The 2016 version included on "the c64" is much harder to control and can get unfair to the point where you can't get "back in business" by grinding for loot. 

With this version it is still challenging but not impossible. 

The updates that where made to improve the controls result in better aiming, less waste of ammunition (by accidentally shooting to the floor while ducking), better rolling under fire hazards and better hand-to-hand combat (best way to get rid of the ball-like drones at the beginning of the game... Dont waste your ammo!) 

One little, tiny downer is the fact that, at least with my "the c64 mini" and "maxi", the save feature of the cartridge-version does not work. It is no big deal cause you can use the save feature that is integrated in "the c64" or use the disk image, where the save feature works flawlessly! 

Long story short:

Great game, great presentation, great music, great artwork. 


Buy it! 

... Is it just me or does kim look like a partially bald version of ian? Or a bit like hulk hogan? xD nitpicking on one or two pixels cause there is nothing bad to say about this gem!