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Firstly, while I always thought Chris was cute and dorky, I also like Kane a lot because he has that shy hesitant side to him I find adorable, practically everyone else in the game besides Zach is pretty outspoken, even Carlos who doesn't say much has his feelings come across clearly. I will say I would take Kane over Chris but a Chris route would be pretty feasible early on I think if the Journalism class had a more online angle to it. Maybe Professor Dubois has a challenging online assignment, and Ben needs Chris' geeky computer nerd help to navigate the school's online site and get accustomed to turning in homework, so he meets him at the café to ask for help, and then Chris invites him over to his dorm after his shift? Then they start meeting up regularly and such until maybe one day Chris leaves his porn tabs open while he's in the shower as Ben waits for him on the couch, haha. "Hot cat sex" or something. I admit I got into this game thinking Bryan would be my main love interest but I ended up having Nate as my favorite even though at first he was a bit much, I don't think the main 3 are bad, but people probably only see the surface level of their personality and assume they will only just act like that the entire game.

As for discussion on the game itself, I think the fact that the majority of the overarching plot still being left up to speculation (who's the killer, Weishaupt Hall's significance in the story, etc.) it seems a bit too early to make non-crackpot sounding theories. I mean some people don't even know the killer's gender, they think it could be Karina for all they know. I personally don't mind the story pacing or depth, although I'm sure the people that do usually play VNs for lighthearted enjoyment of fantasies and don't want darker worldbuilding offered by VNs like this one or Echo. Anyway, thanks for your hard work on this VN and being one of the most consistent updaters! Really nice to read these updates every month. :)