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It still seems a shitpost game, but for some reason I believe in it.

Randomized play is indeed the game. Following the orb while killing/surviving is great. But please let me resist more than 3 hits.

For some reason 90% of the times I KO an enemy he always gets up again. Right now I just do a guillotine kick to finish them off.

There is some conflict between juggle move and guillotine activation. While in air I almost always get the juggle, then the guillotine kick.

Have you tried to make the orb do a circuit around the map? Adding hazards?

Dunno what's your plan but GL.


>for some reason I believe in it.

Thanks! I'm not shitposting, I swear, I'm just naturally ridiculous.

>But please let me resist more than 3 hits

That might happen in the future, but right now I'm trying to see if I can't get the game to feel fair in spite of the player's fragility. Some of the systems for getting back from a bad situation aren't quite properly implemented yet, like rolling out of the way of attacks when knocked down.

>for some reason 90% of the times I KO an enemy he always gets up again

There's no random factor to it - I don't explain it very well in the game, but when you kill an enemy, it's always because you hit them with a sufficiently strong attack in a vulnerable state. This can mean stomping on them when they're knocked down, but it also means situations like hitting them with a strong attack while they're already stunned from two quick attacks, juggling them into the air and punching them as they come down, or hitting them with a strong attack in the middle of their own attack. There's a different sound effect for a KO and a knockdown.

It's intended to make more difficult combos more effective  for quickly dealing with enemies than just mashing quick attack or heavy attack.


Damn, I knew I shoulda made the boobs bigger.

>While in air I almost always get the juggle, then the guillotine kick.

Do you mean the backflip launcher juggle?

From what I can tell it works as intended - if you're still ascending or holding the jump button when you hit the strong attack button you get the launcher, if not you get the guillotine kick. Are you sure you're letting go of the jump button first? But it wouldn't be the only bug that's been found with the jump launcher in this demo.

>orb do a circuit around the map?

Like a predefined path? I'd like to have it go through procedurally generated levels eventually, but I'm still a little vague about some of the fine details.

>Adding hazards

It'd be cool but I have no concrete plans yet.

