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Just wanted to mention that I did catch the stream!  I kind of dig the svg drawing and the spotlight motif, gives it a neat starkness to it.  I'm curious if you tried any other animation for the instruments?  Oh, it took me all stream to remember the name of it, but as a similar program I wanted to recommend you look at Sid Meier's C.P.U. Bach for the 3D0 if you've never heard of it (more info


Thanks for catchin' it on stream! There was supposed to be an animation for the Woodblock when that instrument played, but I wasn't able to get it working in time before the deadline. I spent way more time on the music generator than the frontend, and my original plans to have this be more of a rhythm game you choose not to play turned into a virtual band that'll make new songs. I'll definitely be working on this more, and better animations is on that list - stuff like them bobbin' about a bit and some note particles.

I had no idea Sid Meier put out a music generator, and on the 3DO! I see what you mean by animations, because that's pretty nice animation they had on the instruments.