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> Animations and Models

Talking solely about the Model, since the Animations are obvious, the Hair has issues, yes. Overall it's on the 'trying to be realistic but not quite there yet' Area, its not bad from a Quality level, but has a lot of small Mistakes that add up. Certain proportions are exaggerated in a bad Way, the waist is too thin compared to the Butt and Chest in a sideview, and moving way too far forward, leading to a very unnatural looking Pose. The front isn't curved nicely, leading to a very flat looking Abdomen, with Abdominal Muscles jutting outwards too far. Also Thighs exaggerate outwards to far aswell, probably because it looked unnatural otherwise thanks to the huge (second?) Butt. ( It seems like your Thigs have a second Butt under the normal one, thats way too low, and doesn't match with actual Thigh-musculature. Upper and lower Arms seem to bend the wrong way around, Knees are pretty big and lower Legs don't bend backwards enough right below them. Musculature on the upper Leg when viewed from the Sides should extend towards the knee but bends in too early, giving it a weird bumpy look. Same with the Butt, judgjing from the extension on the Back, it extends up to the middle of the upper Leg roughly, instead of dropping off where it should. (The afforementioned second Butt). With how the Boobs fall, the general upper body seems to jutt out forward up until roughly the middle of the Abdomen, then immediately take a drastic turn and jump inwards heavily, with the Collarbone jitting out twice its thickness over the actual body, same with where the Arms are placed. Try removing the Boobs completely, and connecting it flat together, it should still have enough room to properly contain a Ribcage and all these Organs. at the Moment it looks like you have a weird dent under the Boobs and then Jam the Lungs and stuff in there. You don't really have Shoulderblades, your Muscles there should extend and fall over the Shoulders basically, but instead bend inwards, causing the Arms to jump over the Part where the big flat Bones at the back of the Shoulders should be, not the otherway around. The Face feels like a generic Ark Female Character face taken and stapled on, the Waist bends in and out too quickly for a natural Wasteline. 

Overall as I said on the beginning of this, its just littered with small mistakes here and there, that, thanks to the attempt at realism, make it overall look much worse then it might be. The more realistic and away from stylization you go, the more small mistakes and slight weirdnesses like these become glaring Problems, as you're just falling slightly short of making it look realistic. Keep in mind tho, I can only look at it ingame, with poor Lighting and weird Animations/Poses, so it might look worse then it actually is. However, I recommend looking at more references, especially at the Muscles itself in Diagrams where you can see how they flow, where they start and end, not only at real Photographs of nude Women. 

>Glitch out

Enemy might've gotten stunned, I was on Punchbag mode, so they didn't do anything regardless. But she definetly didn't get pushed around, so I just kept falling into her and being pushed back up onto her.


not in randomized, just in attack-player. Orb just did nothing.


Yes, the Stairs to the Pillar building, and no, no blinking. But no Body, only Eyes/Face/Halo/Censorbars.

Thanks, that's gonna be a big help. I'll need to redo the rig for fixing the animations, so I was gonna take the opportunity to fix a few mistakes on the model I'd noticed myself and make her less stylized. Having a bigger list of things to fix now will save me a lot of headache down the line. At least the worst thing you had to say about the face was "generic" - I was pretty proud of it.

Guess my bughunting's not gonna have an easy solution.

Thanks again.