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Gave this a whirl for the first time. I had fun, but I'm not sure if I was playing the "right" way, since I wound up dying within a few minutes of each run (that is to say, I suck.) I appreciate you having a "how to play" button. I'm super ADHD/low IQ so I usually wind up forgetting everything unless there's a hands-on tutorial. The animations had me cracking up and I had fun with it, though. I definitely see a lot of potential.


Thanks for trying it! 

Dying within a few minutes is pretty expected so don't feel too bad. I'm supposedly playing the right way, and I regularly get my ass whupped within the first couple waves (I forgot to give the enemies any chill).

I'm glad someone found a use for the How To Play menu, and I'm glad you had fun. Hopefully some of that potential you see will end up realized.