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I played the game last DD too and my feelings haven't changed much since then. I like the new animations and I don't remember if items were a thing back then but I like the risk/reward of fighting mini-bosses to get them.

My biggest issue is still that the hardest battle is always the first one, you either die to a dice or snowball into godhood, with no in-between. 

The reason for this, I believe, is because the starting symbols have no synergy with each other whereas most of the ones you can unlock have 2 colors which makes rolls way more consistent, and in any game with lots of RNG, consistence is overpowered. 

You go from having to work on lining up 3 reds for pitiful damage to matching 7 or 8 with just a few dual color items. Synergy between items is really good and I like the color system because it's very intuitive, it only needs a bit more balance in my opinion. 


Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it.

I do agree that first battles can be difficult, and even boring. Perhaps I should consider just giving players 2 free symbol sheets at the start, to help them define their build right away and give some power