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It may seems a strange question, but, please, could you tell me how folder with saves in "roaming" named? I lost my normal saves and cannot find the folder in appdata.

Saves are usually stored in C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Roaming/RenPy

AppData is a hidden folder by default. To see it, you need to enable "Hidden Items" under the View tab

If there is no RenPy folder under Roaming, it's possible the folder got deleted. I'd suggest check your Recycling Bin and see if you can restore it. If it isn't there, it's probably gone :(

Thank you, but appdata's roaming renpy folder doesn't contain violet memoire's folder. Other visual novels are here, except this one. And even when i tried to create new saves, folder with memoires didn't show up in this folder.

It's under the folder called MyOwnReality. Probably what the VN was going to be called before it got changed.