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Thanks for playing! Glad to hear my hard work's paying off :)

The camera has indeed been reined in. Literally! It used to be very loosely tethered to its target (inspired by arcade beat-em-up side scrollers), but now it defaults to a new "tight camera" mode where its max horizontal tether distance is zero. Good to know it had the intended effect.

Running away needs to be less random, yeah. Right now it's literally a random check if an enemy tries to defend or attack when the player gets too close (with some limitations on how many enemies can attack at once), but something more predictable would definitely be better.

I'm really happy you noticed the attack prediction. It was a lot of work to set up, and yeah, it works exactly like you think. You can even bait out attacks when you're out of range by walking towards an enemy and stopping.

Regarding getting chained to death, do you mean it's impossible to dodge or block their follow up? Enemies are meant to stay on the offensive if they manage to get a hit in, but I'll admit the ground dodging is still pretty jank.

Posture and stance helping to predict would be cool, but I'm a pretty terrible animator so I'm scared to promise anything in that regard right now. I'll see what I can figure out.

I'll take a look at the bugs.
