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JaShinn , do you have plan for another game like the same game like this after finishing this Project?

How many months do you released it to the VIP people (Donating you every month(s) ) before the free version to the public ?

Is there any chance that Syahatas's Journey will meet to the good ending or a bad ending ?

Do you have a plan to make another game like there's a Animal H-scenes and Monster H-scenes  after finishing this game ?

How many days/weeks to be completed the H-scenes of Syahatas ?

Suggestion for the Syahatas and Infected H-scenes :

Snake & 2 Snakes (Forest)

Horse (City/Forest)

Dog & 2 Dogs

Reindeer (Forest location)

Mutated Pig or Infected Pig


Tentacles (I think you released this teasers...)







Yes, I have plans for the next game.

The free version and the sponsored version are currently released at the same time.

Maybe there's only a single ending, but I'm not sure.

The next game also has monsters.

If you mean pixel animation, about 2 or 3 days.

If it is a GameOver animation, it takes about 2 weeks.  ヾ(•ω•`)o


Tysm for the interviewing you so much! It means a lot of me but not just me, from all of us! :)