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  1. Does camera feel good? 
    1. The camera felt fine, responsive
  2. How does the map feel to navigate?  Does it feel too big? Too open? 
    1. A bit too big. I was unable to avoid the monster and mostly gave up trying to get away from it. I just hoped it was in a different location
  3. What are your thoughts on the panel layout?  Does it feel easy to move through? Should things be grouped differently? 
    1. The Panel Layout was good. It was a bit frustrating that i could not control my robot’s movement separately from what panel i was looking at. This actually has potential to be a fun multiplayer game where some players are piloting blindly, others are giving navigational directions, others are adjusting power/repairing the pod, others are lighting things/defending the ship. (not sure what the moment to moment gameplay would be for that, but the Star Trek Bridge Crew game and Captain Sonar board game kinda do this)
  4. Does the monster feel balanced? Did it feel like a threat? Did you feel like you could escape? 
    1. The monster felt overpowered. It was definitely threatening. It felt very unfair to start and have the monster sometimes start very close to you. I honestly wouldnt introduce the monster until a later stage in the game. Let players get acclimated to the other features before introducing a threat.
  5. This question is missing :) 
  6. Thoughts on the hide button? Does it feel useful? 
    1. I didnt realize it was a thing until reading this. (then reading/skimming the directions). As a rule, you should not expect players to read. ;)
  7. Did you use the window? Did the oxygen feel balanced? 
    1. I didnt use the window, just the map.
  8. How is the movement? Do you feel like you're able to move through the environment properly? Fast? Slow? 
    1. Movement speed felt ok. Maybe a bit on the slow side, but since I had to switch between views it was probably fine.
  9. How was the map? Did it have to many landmarks? Not enough? Was it useful? 
    1. Map probably could have used a few more landmarks. It felt like a lot to juggle, movement, avoiding, trying to constantly orient yourself to the map
  10. What does the big red button do? 
    1. Blow up the ship