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  1. What do you think of the puzzles? Too difficult or too easy? 
    1. Too hard. There is also hard gating that feels unintuitive (i can float over the fire to get to the terminal door, but i cannot open it unless i put the fires out). 
  2. How did you feel about the oxygen meter? (Balanced? Too slow? Dynamic with player movement and fire?) 
    1. seemed to deplete pretty fast
  3. How did you feel about the fire/extinguisher? Were the fires a good enough distraction to keep you on your toes? 
    1. I could just fly over the fires. It was hard to tell when a fire was really out, the despawn animation seemed to take a long time and not provide immediate feedback that i doused the fire.
  4. What did you think of the pace/length of the game? 
    1. I didnt get past the first terminal room. It was very hard to figure out the codes. Those code puzzles need more positive feedback. Did i get a single number correct? Also, the puzzles for that should build in complexity. Make one puzzle a “gimmie” just so players know they are on the right track.
  5. What did you think of the level design? Was it easy to keep track of the rooms given the constraint on the door charges? 
    1. I could not tell why doors wouldnt open. There needs to be some sort of feedback to the player if a door cannot be opened.
  6. What did you like about the game? 
    1. The movement was cool and the sound was good. The first terminal room seemed like it could be a fun puzzle, but it was pretty difficult. I had no idea if i was on the right path or not. 
  7. What did you dislike about the game? 
    1. It was hard
  8. What could be improved or added to enhance the overall gameplay? 
    1. Make it easier, especially at the start, ease players into the puzzles. Give the player a couple easy wins at the start. (the fire extinguisher to put out fires is a good one)
  9. What did you think of the overall feel/ambience of the game? Did the sounds and art mesh well? 
    1. I think the sounds and look meshed well. I’d have done more to highlight doors that can be used.