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Maestro Nono, I hope you are well and your team, seen so far, seems to me an excellent job worthy of admiration and respect.

It occurred to me that it would be great, I mean, you are the geniuses, but it would be great if you added more characters like the main character, like other towns or hidden towns that are also against the empire and be able to have battles against those characters, or also find allies and build a tentacle village to one day go against the empire or stage some sort of coup, in which case it wasn't just trading with the adeans or on the islands finding a traveling merchant with a cart selling beast tentacles, or at that case make legendary tentacles like some kind of special bosses in different areas or specific areas like some kind of cave or something underground or also some kind of temple.

I hope you read this teacher nono a big greeting I love your work greetings :3