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Is there even a way to see how annoyed a girl is in hard mode? I assumed it was the blue heart stat on the girls' screen, but either I'm wrong or my game bugged. Any time it went up on one girl, it went up on the others. It was at 5, and Mara acted as if I just punched her mother. Am I dumb, or is this a bug?

Choose any girl in the inventory (favorite), from there you can see if she is happy or angry (and use the arrows to switch between girls) plus, yeah, only 0 mood points = angry. I did a quick check and there is no bug with Mara that if she has mood points she gets angry anyway, only if her mood = 0.

In any case, the mood system is being reworked and in the v16 there will be no more angry girls as that part will be removed.


Thanks. Looking back on it, it was pretty obvious. Genuinely can't wait for more content to come! Natsuki and Anna best girls.