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Iam unable to choose the second option here..and the ROs pronouns are sometimes getting messy.

Aside from those bugs, this IF is quite well-written ✨, and the plot is excellent!

The upcoming updates got me incredibly pumped :D.

Since I wanted to select the shy Mc response 😭, I didn't play past the scene in the screenshot. Will continue after it is resolved :).

~ These bugs are a pretty common occurrence (I hope you aren't upset due to it), and you are an incredibly gifted writer and artist ❣️ 

Thank you for reporting! These issues are now corrected in the current version, so play on!

Thank you so much, and don't worry! I have a really hard time reading my own writing, so it's been really challenging to track all the errors on my own, haha. Now that I'm aware of the most common ones, they shouldn't be an issue in future updates. :)