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(1 edit)

As an aside, this is kind of what I've been worried about because this is very definitely a problem with Sibelius, Spitfire and Microsoft: all I did was do XML and patches, which work as described... which reminds me, Spitfire have a lot of documents about optimising their libraries - crackling isn't necessarily just a Sibelius thing, the Spitfire player has its own issues which people spend much time complaining about on the Spitfire forums.

As an aside-aside, Avid are well aware their playback engine needs a thorough overhaul.

As an aside, aside, aside, I can play Zoids on a 64Gb Pc from 2016 with a 32768 prefetch/preload in the Spitfire settings without it crackling, and there are other people using the sound set happily on more limited equipment for their own scores.

Thanks for your reply. I will experiment with it further, attempting the workarounds you recommend. Excuse my ignorance, but can I ask what Zoids are?

There's a demo file called "Zoids.sib" in the Documents/Sibelius Services/BBC Symphony Orchestra Core directory, along with other documents. The other best thing to do is to start using it in your own compositions and see how that goes. An idea for an optimisation that might help from my end did occur to me though, so I will be doing that next week.

There's a new version to download, in which I've tried to cut down on the MIDI messages being sent. It seems to be a little bit more manageable, though it's still a memory hog. Zoids plays back nicely with 16384 prefetch though.