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Good point there.

These days it is common for kids to insult and swear at each other while playing multiplayer games.

But mostly kids are threatened by adults who are looking for innocent kids they can fool.

Like for example a 13 yo makes a game. The predator will praise the game and say something like 'Its awesome how do you make such games I am only 11 years old and just learned game development. Can you please try my games and tell how is it and what changes should be made in it'.  The poor kid gets fooled and he opens the game and boom. He's hacked.

Or maybe some hacker will ask a kid to join his discord server and give him a link. Now the link will lead to a fake discord with an a similar url and identical page. It will ask the kid to tell his discord Id and password. When he enters it, the fake website will send it to the hacker who will be able to login the kids discord. Then simply the kid is doomed.

But this not only happens with kids. It happens with adults as well as you said like getting bad comments.

The same way adults can end up installing trojan horses and suffer from malware such as ransomware.

I think I've made a pretty long speech here 😅