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(Turbo Spoilers) I overall liked this vn but found the pacing and story stucture which led the whole thing to be a bit unsatysfying....

After Aetrian and Jaroff had a scuffle with Aetrian’s Dad and escaped I thought like the story was building up to the final push they will make to escape the kingdom entirely, but then the story just… ends.

Like, I was sure that Kelorin, Lothal or that one wolf merchant would sell them out and just felt like the tension was building to this final moment that they still need to overcome and yet the story just ended… while both Jeroff and Aetrian are still on an enemy territory (I know Aetrian is still a prince but all of his power would emmideatly be stripped away  from him as soon as Acre will get the news of what actually happened). And before that they, like, decided to totally kick back, relax and have horny, even though they can be captured at literally any moment. I thought that soon they will be reminded they aren't out of cold waters yet but no, the narrative just cuts off. 

And I understand that this is a prequel but it still would have been nice if the story felt complete… especially considering the fact that they won’t even be main characters in Endless bounty. Idk it just rubs me the wrong way. 

That being said I don’t regret spending my money and time on this vn.