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(1 edit)

Thank you for your review!
I'm currently working on a 1.1 update which will add some quality of life improvements. Being honest I never thought that someone would actually try using the map editor; that's why it feels more like an internal tool than something that's meant to be user-friendly.
But what you might like is that in 1.1, the snap modes will no longer be limited to 2^s, and you'll be able to set it to 1/3, 1/4 and lower.
Additionally, scrolling with W/S/scroll wheel will now respect the current snap mode and BPM instead of the hardcoded 500ms.

I never fully explained all of the editor controls, again I never thought someone would use it, but with 1.1 I'll be sure to include some kind of help section.


Thank you for the response! I'll be sure to look out for 1.1 when the time comes, and it'll be exciting to work with the editor and try my hand at some custom charts then. 1/n snapping should especially open up a lot at once...!