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Man, a review is not necesary for this game, all i need to say is that


Everything is so esplendid and wonderful, i genuinely loved your writting,

I liked the game so much i even found the easter egg and read the other story about Alex, is there anywhere to continue it?

I just wanted to say a personal opinion on Hedwig, i mean; is nothing wrong about the way she is written (cause it is done so well i can see my whole life in her), is just that if she were a real person, i wouldn't like that much, lol

I mean, for example Katherine thrusted in her so much she tells her about personal stuff that she don't like to talk about even when she's not that drunk, and so does the rest of the girls.

But Hedwig just doesn't recognize how much everyone cares and thrust her, she never stop to think about how much that people liked her even if they all are impure, and she just act out to get answers (Darcy and may be others can be an exception but you get my point) at least she recognize that she doesn't deserve it cause in the end she's a spy. (I can cite the moment she receives a surprise party)

 In the end what i try to say is not related to the quality of the work, just a personal note.