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So I started playing this game on the most recent version MFT v.0.5925p and encountered a few bugs.

Minor: quite a few times I encountered multiple Instances of my girls in the same room(probably from different chapters but at the same time)


1. Couldn't progress to the ending of ch 3 because when I had the scene with Mariah she told me to sit down and there was already another "Mariah" standing at the chair spot. This locked the game down.

2. Throughout ch 2 and 3 when I tried to leave the front of the temple a scene (from a later chapter?) triggered when i moved to a certain square(middle between the 2 statues 1 square up). It was the assfuck scene with Valerye on the roof which ended in a bossfight that was too hard for the current stats to complete. Also didnt try to beat it since it was obviously not intended that early in the game