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Is this game even playable, I can't play 1 min without golden freddy crashing my game for some reason?

if you get the scene just click the button 5 times

the exit button?


sounds like a skill issue


bro likes clicking the funny parts :)


100% playable and beatable! It is very hard tho

that's what she said


There are two ways Golden Freddy can be triggered. 

One - If you spam on the poster in the office, and she jumpscares you. 

Two - If she randomly appears in front of you, right after you close cams. To stop her before she jumpscares you, just go to cam 3 on your cam, and click on the poster on the wall. 

So, if you're getting jumped so frequently by her, maybe it;s because you clicked on the poster on the wall 7 times, which triggers her jumpscare. 

However, if you see her pop up on your desk, then your only way to avoid her jumpscare, is to go to cam 3 and clik on the poster on the wall, and then she should go away.