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(1 edit) (-1)

Hi Developer. I can say that you have made just a wonderful version. There's just one small thing. Unfortunately due to the fact that this is only an alpha version of the game there is no erotic scenes (except for egg mode and commercials).

I hope you carefully redo scrimers (those that were in legacy)

I can say that this version can safely make a demo version for players who want to get acquainted with the game (for example, make 2 nights only) and of course remove all the 18 + content (want the adult version, buy a subscription).

Now it is half as adult (and for advertising and egg mode).

And most importantly. When should we expect the global update? 

jesus christ why can't you types just relax?


I wrote something bad. 

I just recommended a new version for the demo. And that you can make two versions, one with nsfm content and one with sfm(for free users).

So I'll keep quiet and wait for the good news.