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Shaur Kumar: I think this game is a very interesting idea, as rage bait games like Kaizo Mario are some of my favorites. However, I feel that this game requires a bit more direction or explicit contract with the player that the game will be unfair. The cheery aesthetics and slow-paced gameplay, combined with a lack of animations makes it feel more like you are breaking the game then beating the game at it's own (for lack of better term) game. For example, in the teleporters level, the solution to climb through a platform behind you to reach the true area and do a bunch of wall jumps looks like unintended glitches. I think some animations added to these maneuvers and other positive feedback will not take away the frustration of the game but tighten up the character controlling, making the player feel less mad at how the game looks and properly getting the rage from the hard gameplay. Tricking the player is always going to provoke a worse reaction than beating the player at mechanics they can learn and improve with.