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This game is so good!! The creator does mention the game is lacking a bit of polish, and I can see it here and there (the buttons aren't buttons on the whole word so sometimes you have to click around, and to open the report menu you have to pass your mouse over it instead of clicking on it which leads to it opening and closing in unfortunate ways), but tbh I love this game just as much as the observation duty games, the references are all really cool and also it fixed the two complaints I had about observation duty - namely, this game has a threat level so you get a vibe for how much you're missing without getting instakilled bc you have a bit more warning, and also the nights felt a little shorter (my complaint about observation duty being that rounds are way too long).

Spook factor: 4/5, some good jumpscares, really good ambiance, and all of the humanoid anomalies make me want to cry

Aesthetic: 4/5, very spooky models and the rooms are really good, especially with how doors and other things are affected by the anomalies in the rooms

Gameplay: 5/5, I loved observation duty and this is a special interest version of it, it plays very similarly so if you like the gameplay style of observation duty you'll like this one

UI: 3/5, put together very similarly to observation duty but suffers from what I mentioned above, I'm also not really a fan of the icons instead of words for the rooms

Overall: 4/5, lacking some polish by the creator's own admittance but generally really fun to play and I would love to see more of this game, it was so satisfying to beat the level available!!