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Ooo, it’s great to have a glimpse of your main lyre. What an impressive instrument it is! No wonder it produces such a great sound! I’m glad to hear that you’re using it as a basis for Asterion’s main instrument, too. I expect a lyre in this style would suit him really well, and I’m sure he’ll have some interesting things to say on the subject.

And, of course, it’s good to see the two instruments together. It really helps get an idea of scale of the shiny new lyre, particularly with the large books as reference. Anyone who’s reading the comments who hasn’t listened to the lyre video above yet, I’d really recommend it. Both of these instruments sound superb!

I also had no idea that you’ve had no musical education/training/experience. I really couldn’t tell. Your playing is confident, self-assured and sensitive. I could easily mistake you for a pro! So don’t put yourself down. I’m sure it was a long, hard road to get to this point, but you’ve made great strides already. You most certainly *do* have musical talent, even if it was hard earned! Keep up the good work! (And I hope others will take this as inspiration, too. Great music can be made without any formal training and education. It just takes time and dedicated effort!)

Oh, and lest I get *too* distracted by lyres, it’s good to hear that the Hotel itself is making good, steady progress. All the best for the continuing writing/editing of the next two chapters!