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fun sex romp with a ton of propaganda. seems like the developer doesn't agree on morality. wish they would just leave the propaganda out of the game. It doesn't have to be based on reality it's a fantasy. Do your protesting elsewhere. sex is fun doesn't mean you have to make the whole fucking world a shit whole. you don't bring a slut home to mom. well maybe they do.


Buddy it's just a story calm down.

If you don't like the game just say it, don't find a shit excuse to justify it.


i guess you missed the part where I said fun sex romp. but maybe next time try reading.


I did read it, it's not my fault for misunderstanding if its just 3 little words in a paragraph filled with reddit energy.


Nobody is going to focus on the first 3 words if you made a whole paragraph on what you REALLY want to say about it lmao