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I'm in pain. My extended family on my dad's side came to visit and we had dinner and now they're all in the garden just chilling. I played some uno with my sisters and the children, fun stuff, I came second place. I would love to play more but I'm tired and also really hot cause the outfit I'm wearing involves a jacket. Also I wanted to go to the pool but my mom said no. It's spring break and I was really looking forward to the pool finally opening today but I guess whatever. It's probably filled with strangers' piss anyway. Oh also I'm in pain but I'm not gonna go into it-


aghh i feel u fr

then again u can rent a shalet or however u write the pronunciation in english icdnskj

its safer than swimming in strangers' piss thats for sure


I wish. "Why would we waste money on something way too expensive when we have a perfectly good pool and perfectly good living accommodations here?" Is probably what my mom would say. I guess strangers' piss is better than no pool at all.


the country u live in rn is chaotic anyways /neg /opinion


yea ik