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I haven't really dipped my toe into NSFW games before, but I am really glad that this was my first. Not only is the artwork and animation beautiful (I'm an amateur 3D artist myself; may I ask what software you used?), but I like the fact that there is a very solid GAME here... the story is at different turns touching, hilarious, and disturbing. The sex scenes are well-done too (well, those I have seen so far), and they don't overshadow the rest of the game. Amazing work, and thanks for this! Can't wait to see what comes next for the gang.

Thank you! I use HoneySelect2

I'll check it out. I'm a Blender user, myself, but I am always hunting for new tools. I've been playing more today; still haven't gotten to the end of the currently available content, and I've already done so much. If I can ever get a machine that will handle complicated animation renders, I may have to try my hand at writing an AVN of my own. Also, I didn't mention this last comment, but I really appreciate the fact that you have characters with different personalities and looks to them. This is stellar work!