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The game looks good, and the settings are really cool.
But the game lacks some explanation, i didn't really knew what to do after printing the server, also punching the enemies seems to do nothing.
Cool game tho, and the animation are good.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the review, Here’s a quick guide for the people that are playing:

After prtinting the Servers you Upload it to the Disk Reader. Then you’le need your new Ability Teleknisis to grab a Box and put it on the Pressureplate in the Server Room, After that the Elevator will be open and will bring you to the second floor. After that you need to grab boxes and throw them on the pressureplates to deactivate them so you can progress. And then it’s just hacking the computers to get the last key for the elevator ending.

(Most of it is explained by the narrator)

Oh i didn't had sound on, so maybe that's why x)
I'll try that later then!