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pick I guess idk

Nia (she/her):

Winter (she/they):

Riel (he/him re-do of an old oc btw):

I forgor 💀 but I'll find him a new name dw- (he/him):




why the exclamation marks? Did I miss smthn-


Nah I was jus tryna make it less dry


oh ok- could you start???


Yea ofc

jahleah walks into her local bodega down the street from her house looking for some drinks


Riel was there just looking around for nothing specific


Leah picked up a couple bags of chips, some drinks, and some candy and was looking for noodles


for the sake of yes lets say that in the same aisle there were glass bottles of idk smthn and Riel was looking thru them. He picked one up and- oops- the bottle fell to the floor and broke.

He curses under his breath as he reaches down to pick up the glass shards that won't hurt him too badly probably while frantically looking around for someone who actually knows what to do in this situation-


When she heard the bottle shatter she jumped
