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I tried my best to read as much as possible from the Welcome Home website, but I only ended up with a headache, a paper filled with gibberish that was meant to be notes and also a desperate need to drink water-

Reading a lot of information makes me kinda dizzy yk


fellow welcome home fan hullo 

I just watch people read the website and do the lore digging for me 🤭


lol I debated on doing that but I was all like "but that's not fun tho"

I personally just find it fun to be the person digging thru the lore and discovering things rather than watching others discover them for you. Cause then you're just spoon-fed the info, it's not nearly as thrilling as being mat pat and overanalyzing every single detail until you're sleep deprived, sick, tired and basically live of coffee at that point.

I find some kind of fun in that, cause I'm just like that.


Good point! 

I'm just far to lazy and don't exactly have time to

Trust me, I'd LOVE to be mat pat and overanalyze and hyperfixate and share my findings but I just- can't???


I don't have much time either, but currently I am on spring break so I am utilizing this free time to do as much as humanly possible


lucky ass

I'm in school 😭

oof that's rough buddy

Hey summer is almost here tho!

