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Wow, this is amazing. I've been putting this game off for some reason for a while now, and thank God I actually tried it.   NSFW scenes are one of the best I've seen from these types of games and the story leading to those scenes were just *chef's kiss*. Comedy here was actually funny and had me laughing especially the ones with Chang in it 😆. Action scenes were good too, at some point it made me forget I was playing a VN with porn in it. The "horror" scenes fcked me up though. I'm not a fan of horror in general (I had to squint and mute to power through those scenes 😂) but I can't imagine  the story being as impactful to me without them.  Love this update's "reveal" and "cliffhanger". Hell, after reaching the end I literally did a slow clap by myself like a dumbass  while thinking "damn, bravo"  😆.   Can't wait to see what happens next. Hope we get a bunch more scenes with our girls, and of course  more scenes with Randoms would be nice too. 

Glad you liked it!