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Your name is Ozgur Kasabian and you are a(n) young ghost‌‌‌. You are a woman.

You have a(n) ‌‌‌‌visible, but transparent‌‌ body, and you are uncomfortable with it.

Your ‌‌transparent skin is wood-like in color. You have 2 arm(s)3 eye(s) and a mouth full of hundreds of teeth. Your medium sea green hair is excessively long and ‌‌‌‌transparent.

You value ‌‌‌‌honor above all things. Though you are generally dutiful you can also be rather cold when you're at your worst. You once took a personality test that told you you were ENFP, and you know your sign is Death, not that it means much.

You hobbies include ‌‌‌programmingfencing, and observing space debris.