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hi orange~!

i bought this game a few years ago i think around when it was first released -- it did yuck my yums and i ended up refunding it, HOWEVER. i ended up repurchasing on steam because i ended up maturing a little, and realising that if i was willing to read and enjoy something like berserk, i could give f&h another chance. and i must say the fear and hunger series is extremely good. like... ive spent a long 40+ hours playing the first game on steam with like 8 different save files and i am enamoured. 20 year old me was a little too sensitive about things but now that im 25 and have given the game a real chance it's really something else -- in a good way! the heavy topics in the game are handled with a respect that can be so easily misplaced or forgotten. everything from the lore to the art style, to the different endings and possibilities of what can happen in the game... the attention to detail is astounding. its a hard and rough game -- not many games will have me giving up too much progress to restart because something unfavourable happened. the rewards come with a real risk. its an unforgiving game that isnt meant for everyone, but i think it is something that adds real value to this genre. both games have been a real challenging but fun and interesting experience. i personally put them up there with the likes of ib and mad father -- those stories have stuck with me ever since ive played them, and the fear and hunger series is going to stick with me too.

im sorry for the essay, but i wanted to give a little reflection with my experiences with this game. i guess it is also a review too. i genuinely wish you the best in all your future projects, because you have quite the talent!! thank you, orange~!! :]