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Glad you're having a good time and all good points!

  • Load times are kinda just the nature of the beast at this point due to the procgen terrain. I can probably mitigate it by using more premade rooms and such or offloading the work during gameplay, but that'll have to wait until I have to take a solid look at the mapgen again.
  • I'm definitely looking into the case of aircraft hitting map boundaries. Like giving them awareness that they're on the edge and preemptively steering away from them. You'll see some improvements on that count in a future update.
  • I can probably add a slight drop shadow to increase UI contrast during daytime. Then again, daytime isn't currently the intended experience so I might be a little slow on this. The UI sounds in general will be up for an overhaul soon-ish since the fade-in-fade-out delays were a newer feature.
  • Unfortunately, scroll wheel input on the menus was somehow broken by the gamepad virtual mouse update. Am still on the lookout for a possible fix. Will definitely throw the scrollbar in. No idea why it doesn't already have that. Mea culpa!
  • The cockpit view is really more of an experiment instead of something I extensively use so these things can take a while to fix. I can probably try a modifier that immediately edits an audio source's dropoff curve when spawned during cockpit view. No guarantees, it might have wonky results with certain audio sources.

RE: wishlist stuff

  • Definitely putting up a RESULTS screen once I get the mission loop straightened out.
  • Elevator waypoints and highlights will definitely be a thing in the near future, especially since I'm working on getting multiple elevators available in each block so you can pick a route depending on its challenge or reward. Ties into the mission loop.
  • The mapgen still has a ways to go before I just add MORE to it, so I'm trying to keep the stuff that'll need updating when it changes to be manageable. On that note, some performance issues might mean I have to cut the building destruction which is kind of a shame.
  • Noted on the menu tooltips. The menu layouts are mainly for testing and are due a UX pass in the future. Might take a while before any big changes happen on this front. In the meantime, I'll update the reference text file to include the MISSION LENGTH variable because I somehow forgot to make that change. Mea culpa!

In any case, I appreciate you taking the time to write this out. It helps immensely!